The Lord Will Fight For You...Seriously!

Exodus 14:14 says, The Lord will fight for you, and you have only to be silent.

Imagine the scene - you’ve just left Egypt; there are scores of you, the Egyptians are overtaking you with their horses and chariots as you are encamped by the sea. You are terrified and you cry out to the Lord and complain that you would have been better had you stayed in Egypt than die in this way.

It looks hopeless and Moses tells you that the Lord will fight for you, and as Moses is speaking to you the Lord says, “Why are you crying out for help? Tell the people to move forward.”

Sure, Lord - you might be thinking—into the sea? And just then Moses’ staff goes up, the sea parts and you walk through as on dry ground. The angel and pillar of cloud protect you—all of you—all the way across, and then you watch as the Egyptians drown when Moses’ hand is lifted as God commands and the sea buries them all.

The Lord fought for them and everyone knew it that day. So let me tell you, child of God, this day let the Lord do your fighting. He is for you! He is not against you! You don’t have to be alarmed or afraid! Oh, that we could understand this—His deliverance will come; here or in heaven, but it will come and there is no need for you to do anything. The battle is His to win and He will win it!  And there you go!


Put on the Breastplate of Righteousness...Seriously!


The Sound of Persistent Knocking...Seriously!