But God…

Mark 12:30 says, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength." Seriously?! 

Isn’t that a tall order? Impossible actually, without the Holy Spirit living in us.

My emotions, my mind, my strength, my very being are to love the Lord my God.

I don’t know about you, but sometimes my emotions get the best of me. My mind thinks thoughts that are, honestly, evil. My strength often fails. My person, who I am in myself, betrays me.

But God!

Isn’t that a wonderful phrase? But God. With Him in control, exchanging my strength for His, my will and my thoughts for His, and my identity wrapped completely in who He says I am, then I am able to truly love Him the way He asks. For it’s in abiding in Him, listening to Him, waiting on Him, that I exchange my strength for His. I run and do not grow weary. I walk and do not faint, and I love Him for He puts this love in my heart. It’s a wonderful trade-off. Please think on it today. And there you go!


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