Are You Attached? Seriously!

John 15 says, “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”

Just as branches are connected to a vine, so we are to abide with our Savior. As a matter of fact, attachment to the Vine is the way we produce fruit.

So, are we talking about grapes? Or flowers, perhaps? Not quite. But just as these fruits are produced on a vine with branches, so we who keep abiding in Christ produce spiritual fruit. In John 15, we are told that without Him we can produce nothing.

So, what’s the fruit look like? Galatians 5 tells us exactly! When we cling to our Lord, we bring forth love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control - the fruit of His Spirit. Often, we get distracted and don’t stay as connected as we should, then things like hate, worry, harshness, and lack of discipline show up - which amount to nothing God has for us to produce.

To dwell in Christ is to live a life of minute-by-minute trust, in which moment-by-moment nourishment produces the spiritual fruit He desires.

So, how about it? Let’s stay connected to Jesus today and see what fruit we can share with others.

And there you go.


Do we measure up? Seriously!


Mary’s Little Lamb Is Not Too Bright...Seriously!