Beautiful! Seriously!
I’ve rarely considered myself beautiful. But in Ezekiel 16:13 God says “so you were exceedingly beautiful and advanced to royalty!”
1 Peter 2:5 tells me I’m part of a holy priesthood, together with living stones built to a spiritual house acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. And Christians everywhere, so are you! We are acceptable because of Jesus Christ!
He has sought us!
He has bought us!
He has beat death!
He is in us!
To say we are unworthy is not saying what God thinks about us. He made us worthy. He chose us to be His own. He chose to make us His - to be holy, speaking His truth - and show Himself through our bodies, His temple! Our value to Him is infinite. His love never ceases toward us. His plan to win the world works through us!
Rejoice, exceedingly beautiful one. You have advanced to royalty. For if you know Jesus, you are a child of the King. And there you go!